Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 11 & 12: The Final Shadowing

These two days were like many others, long and tiresome yet rewarding. We all had different plans and went our separate ways (in pairs). After last Friday we were all much more familiar and comfortable with the concept of shadowing, and we knew what to expect. However the days were still unpredictable and challenging. Many of us started off around 6:45 in the morning and did not end until around 8:00 at night. On Tuesday and Wednesday a few of us had experienced the special-ed. class that the center offers; a few went over to the other center; and a few of us enjoyed gym class right in our own backyard. Once again most of us found that our experiences with the students benefited us as much as they benefited them.
In the special-ed. class our experiences were difficult and rewarding all at the same time. One of the students, named Bryan, was around seven or eight and could not even talk that well. Another, Armando, had been a very quiet kid outside the classroom, but they were able to make him open up and actually do work like counting and learning body parts. These kids despite all their set-backs and struggles were the happiest bunch of kids around. They were so excited by our presence in the class.
Over the past two days, many of us have made our way over to the Marin center downtown. Although we have all had varying experiences as a result of shadowing different volunteers, all who have gone to Marin seem to have had similar experiences. The courtyard at Marin is well-known for the piggy-back-rides that we've given, for the volunteer vs. student soccer games, and for the exhausting yet fufilling hours of play-time.
Overall, the past two days can be summarized in a few sentences. We've all had our own separate experiences, but there are common elements in all that we do here. Our hard work in the class rooms, on the soccer fields, and throughout the centers has revealed to us genuine joy and hope in these children. After witnessing the Barrios and becoming aware of all of those people's hardships, it is important for us to recognize the potential in these kids. With every smile that we give, every laugh that we cause, and every lesson that we teach, we are reminded of the purpose of our service here.

By: Tom Tulp and Kevin Cevasco


tjtulp said...

Keep the pics and blogs coming. They are great. Everyone of you should be extremely proud of a successful mission.

Tim Gonzalez said...

Hey guys, I hope your enjoying the experiences you make. From your blogs and pictures I can tell that all of you are making the most of the opportunity. I am going to whip out a quote from the Bible, yes, the Bible, from the Letters to Timothy (best book in the Bible)"As for the rich in the present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share." - (1 Timothy 6:17,18) God has given you all many "riches" and by reading your blogs and looking through the pictures I noticed that all of you are ready to share the love you all have, to share the comitatus (Campionism) that we have at prep, to share the joy in your life , and ready to share the many talents and gifts that God has given to you with people less fortunate. You all are spreading the "riches" that have been given to you, and that is what we, as Prep Men For Others, are called to do. Kyle, you still look amazing even though you are "Flowless", Shov beware, Father Miller is "miffed" that you did not call him, and Kev, love the beard. So enjoy the last day you have, see you guys back in New Jersey.
Seaside this weekend, Mr. Heffernan?
O and JK, Colin and Bryan slept over 3 times while you were gone.

Mom said...

SO glad that your experiences have touched each of you in a unique way. Through service experience of my own I know that all of you have greatly touched the lives of those whom you serve. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!